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Writer's pictureRev. Dr. Richard Allen Hyde

Pastoral Letter, June 22, 2023

June 22, 2023


I hope you all are having a wonderful summer so far.  If you are still upset that it has not warmed up very much yet, I hear that next week will see the long-awaited warming trend. So be of good cheer.  Summer is on its way.


I celebrated my 72nd birthday on Monday, Juneteenth with a picnic at the Bocce Ball Courts of St. Helena.  I am grateful for every day I have been on the earth and grateful to have spent the last two of those years in San Carlos and environs with you all.


Last week our Samoan congregation led us in worship in celebration of Father's Day.  Here are photos of a new arrival 

and some teens moving with the spirit:




This coming Sunday I will continue to preach on the Holy Spirit, inspired by this famous passage from Paul's letter to the Romans:


         We know that the whole creation has been groaning in travail together until now; and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.          Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words.


Here is this week's inspiring story, written by boxer Max Schmeling about visiting his former rival and now friend Joe Louis:


"One day, without calling ahead, I found myself standing at Joe Louis's door. A woman answered the door, seemed startled for a moment, and then said in surprise, 'Oh, Mr. Schmeling! Please come in!'She told me that Joe unfortunately was not at home but out playing golf, and that she would call him right away. But Joe was already on his way home. I had only waited a few minutes when the front door opened. I heard her speak to him and then he was standing before me. For a few moments he stood there as if he had grown roots. Then he dropped his golf bag and rushed over to me. 'Max! How good to see you again!'As we sat over a coffee a little later, I brought up how people had, since our first meeting, tried to turn opponents into enemies. 'I just want you to know...,' I began, but he cut me off immediately: 'Forget all that stuff!  For a long time people tried the same thing with me. There were times when I believed what they wrote. But today I know better.' I sensed that he wasn't just saying that.We sat there together for hours, until late in the evening, talking about the great fights and the old friends. And it was only then that I realized how much it had bothered me over the years that the hatreds of the times had managed to separate us."It's never too late to wake up and enjoy life.  



Upcoming Events of Interest

Ø July 9 we will worship with the San Carlos Lutheran Church in Burton Park at 10:30 AM.

Ø July 23 UCC Conference Minister Davena Jones will join us for worship and stay for our congregational meeting afterwards.  No meeting on the 3rd Sunday, the Sunday before.


- Pastor Richard Hyde

Community Church of San Carlos

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