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We are a progressive Christian gathering, serving God and humanity by sharing God’s good news, embodying Christ’s loving acceptance and working together for social and environmental wholeness.

San Carlos Community Church

Using Silicon Valley terminology, we are Community Church 3.0.   Community Church 3.0 because we are in our third iteration of our faith presence in San Carlos – the first being 90+ years ago as the first protestant church in our city, the second in the 50s when we grew to absorb the many families moving to our city as it grew, and now, having recently built a new church sanctuary, community center and parsonage, we’re actively revisioning our worship and ministry to better reflect our 21st century world. 


We are also Community Church 3.0 because we are a blended congregation of three churches worshipping together as one.

We are 
  •  A place that’s safe and welcoming  to the diverse community that is the “Peninsula”.

  • A place where progressive theology is seen and felt in our worship and in our service to the community.

  • A place to be present for those who are seeking comfort, spiritual development, and to spend time for self-reflection and renewal.

  • A place that contributes to the spiritual well-being of singles, families, neighbors and friends in our community.    

We are an open and affirming congregation valuing everyone’s race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, class, physical and mental ability. God’s love knows no bound.   

Learn more about the three churches that worship together.


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