
Move. Breathe. Inspire. Connect.
I grew up in Golden Valley, Minnesota and Park Ridge, Illinois. I began my ordained ministry as Associate Chaplain of Dartmouth College and have pastored churches in New England and California.
I have also earned an MPA from the Harvard Kennedy School and a Ph.D. in Religion and Public Life from the Graduate Theological Union and the University of California, Berkeley. I have taught at Dartmouth College, the California Institute of Integral Studies, and the School of Advanced International Studies, and the State Department in Washington.
My ministry now is deeply grounded in movement education, whether the movement be of the mind, the body the spirit, or the body politic. Movement education is closely related to somatics and both have been nurtured at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California where I have spent a lot of time.
“Bend, Stretch and Breathe” is the name of my physical movement practice, which is a meditative blend of Yoga, Aikido, Tai Chi, SoulMotion, and the Holy Spirit. I hope to lead regular sessions in San Carlos.
Creation began with the spirit of God moving upon the waters. The spirit of God continues to move within us with every breath we take. We are in constant motion, physically and metaphysically. Every atom and cell of our bodies pulses and moves in harmony with uncountable others. As we move about on the earth we are moved by various forces both internal and external. It is the challenge of a lifetime to gain some comprehension and control of this constant sea-change sweeping within us and without us.
Email Rev. Hyde at rahyde@post.harvard.edu

Rev. Elder Tauoa Mauga Head, Pastor/Elder of Kalavaria UCC, leads and represents his congregation who worship with us as one of our “3 Churches in One.” They support UCCSC in every way. Their members serve in our Diaconate and play a major role in the audio/video production of our weekly Sunday worship service. Sister church Satauro ole Ola Samoan also join our services when they can.
Rev. Elder Head highlights:
Senior Pastor of Kalavaria Reformed Congregational, UCC, EFKSA
Moderator, Northern California Nevada Conference UCC 2004-2005; EFKSA 2004-2005
Moderator at the Annual Conference, May 22, 2005 during which he took California Assembly Bill 849 “Equal Marriage Right for All” by California Assemblyman Mark Leno to Atlanta, GA at the United Church of Christ, General Synod XXV where it was passed by 80%+ on July 4, 2005 and to California State Court Building in Sacrament July 12, 2005.
His current passion is United Samoan Ministries (USM). He is a representative under the Council for Racial and Ethnic Ministries (COREM).